Kitty has lived a life infused with Yoga since she was a young teenager, she established the foundations for this moving art after being introduced to the practice by her mother. While studying a degree in Public Health she found herself adopting a regular practice of meditation through Arhatic Yoga and Pranic Healing. At the same time she discovered the dynamic Ashtanga Yoga practice and moved deeply into the Mysore form.
She is committed to engaging in nourishing work for the soul and finds herself collaborating with like minded souls who are equally dedicated to well being as she is. Kitty considers herself a constant student, embracing knowledge and wisdom through regular daily practices. On and off the mat, Kitty wishes to share a path full of humility, acceptance and joy.
Since 2006 Kitty has traveled to India, Indonesia, New Zealand, UK, USA and Germany on several occasions to further educate herself in Yoga, Meditation, Pranic Healing, and Ayurvedic Medicine. She has explored several Ayurvedic therapy (Panchakarma) centres throughout the globe and has observed many methods of healing. Kitty’s passion is to share this knowledge of Ayurveda, Yoga and meditation and she regularly facilitates Yoga workshops and conducts one on one Ayurvedic lifestyle consults.

Ayurveda (Ayur = Life, Veda = Knowledge) is an art and science of traditional medicine derived from the Indian subcontinent with foundational principles found in nature. The Panchamahabutas are the five elements from which all life stems, these being earth, water, fire, air and ether or space. From these five elements the Ayurvedic system of health combines them into 3 unique body constitutions or doshas, Pitta made up of fire and water, Vata made up of air and ether and Kapha made up of water and earth. Each person has a natural state, or natural combination of these three doshas, and can seek balance by observing the internal and external environments. The combination of the elements we choose to consume through the six tastes increase or decrease the doshas within our system. In Ayurvedic nutrition we understand food through the six tastes or rasas, these are Sweet (water and earth), Sour (fire and water), Salt (fire), Pungent (air and fire), Astringent (water and air) and Bitter (air). All six tastes are favoured when adopting a tridoshic balances diet and from this form foundations for a strong, healthy and balanced body. When the elements are in equilibrium this manifests as optimal health, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Kitty runs regular workshops with allied health and healing practitioners educated in the field of Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation. These topics range from Agni yoga, balancing the digestive fire, to Ayurvedic cooking classes, Yoga Nidra and Ayurvedic detoxes. Kitty has conducted these workshops at a range of Yoga festivals and held more intimate classes in a variety of yoga studios.
Please contact us if you are interested in inviting Kitty to hold a practical interactive workshop at your studio or at a festival.
Join me for a unique retreat in India combining the healing art of Panchakarma (Ayurvedic detox), Yoga and Meditation. This provides each individual with the opportunity to experience Ayurvedic in an authentic environment.
Retreats will be run yearly please contact us for dates and more details.
Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power Lao Tzu

Yoga is a pathway to Soul realisation. Moving through the physical asanas (postures) is more commonly understood to be the practice of Yoga, but this is only the first step. When we find ourselves deep in a pose, aware of the breath and the sensations that arise within the body, we begin to notice a deep inner connection. This is the first stage of expansion that leads us to begin to realise and connect with the Self. We strive for this connection throughout our daily lives, we look for it outside of ourselves, in material and tangible objects and circumstances. However if we turn our focus inwards, rather than outwards we can tap into the endless flow that is available when we connect to the Self.
The sanskrit definition of Yoga means Union. The many sacred texts compiled by the holy sages of India guide us through the spiritual understanding, while the Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes the physical postures in greater detail. This text consists of four Upadeśas (chapters) which explain in more detail the knowledge of asana, pranayama, chakras, bandhas, kriyas, nadis and mudras among other topics. It is dedicated to Śrī (Lord) ādi nāthā (Adinatha), one of the many names for Lord Shiva (the Hindu god of creative destruction and renewal), who is believed to have imparted the secret of Hatha Yoga to his divine consort Parvati. The definition of Hatha can be understood by breaking the word into two parts, the syllable "Ha" means sun (power, heating) and the syllable "tha" means moon (silence, cooling). When we practice these sacred asanas we are working with these two energies within out body, in extreme power there is silence and in extreme silence there is power.
Tel: +44 7542 143585
+49 176 2859 0693
Email: kittyjbillings@gmail.com